Unrivaled speed-to-knowledge, from due diligence to disposition.

Your single source of truth for property data

Reduce risk & transact faster with rapid, accurate property insights

Tailorbird gives you 98% accurate as-built drawings and complete takeoffs within days, no site walks required. With access to clear and consistent property information all in one place, you can accelerate your timeline for acquisitions, due diligence, and dispositions.

Conduct due diligence directly on our as-built plans

Receive hard bids for capital projects long before close

Operational throughout the United States

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Create more certain budgets
faster than ever

All construction budgets come down to price times quantity. Each Tailorbird as-built already includes over 150,000 take-offs, or use our software to calculate your own. Know the exact quantities of all materials in each asset in just one click.

Transparent quantities of all materials

Reduce admin time required to create budgets  

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Easily scope projects and competitively bid for capital savings

Scope your CapEx projects based on as-built drawings by pinning issues, adding photos, and tracking notes. From there, developing budgets and RFPs is just a matter of a few clicks.

Competitively RFP more projects

Collaborate seamlessly across teams

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Accelerate your renovation timeline & achieve faster ROI

True unit-by-unit models, best-in-class bid sheets, and construction agreements that capture variations in inventory and geometry ensure your projects are seamless from start to finish.

Real-time unit tracker

Live construction agreement always matches the actual spend 

Reduce vacancy loss by 9 days on average

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Your single source of truth for real-time property data

Add your reports and inspection data to Tailorbird’s baseline models for simple, unified views of every asset in your portfolio. Bring reports like your PCAs, environmentals and fire inspections and pin them to your as-builts.

Simple & easy to use

Property knowledge at your fingertips

Unit-by-unit differences & SKU level tracking  

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Trusted by the best in the business


“Tailorbird's AI fast tracked a 1+ year timeline between physical sitewalks and multiple turns of product to just under 3 months.”

Zach Allen
Vice President, Investment Management, The Michaels Organization

“Tailorbird is a huge time saver and our architects are impressed by the accuracy.”

Karen Hu
EVP and Head of Development, Camber Property Group

“Taking our strategy to a whole new level.”

Michael Roos
Managing Director of Asset Management, ColRich

“The fastest frontend in the entire industry.”

Clay Landers
Chief Construction Officer, Cortland

“Revolutionary! A total game changer.”

Jordan Moss
Founder and CEO, Catalyst Housing Group

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.”

John Smith
Position, Company